Kelly earned her masters degree in Interior Architecture from the University of Oregon and began pursuing her career in Los Angeles in 2008.

Shannon acquired a bachelors degree in Interior Design from The Art Institute of Santa Monica and began her career in Los Angeles in 2007.

how we came to be

In 2008, Shannon hired Kelly as an unpaid intern at a bespoke textile and furnishings showroom in West Hollywood where she was managing at the time. A fast friendship ensued as well as a shared love of interiors and all things home. Over the following years they separately went off to pursue diverse experience, having the privilege to work exclusively for award-winning, highly published interior designers here in Southern California. With that came a lot of trial and error, a ton of incredible experience, as well as learning and growing through some of the most amazing projects and installations. During these years, the influence of both client interactions and their mentors helped them to form their own perspective, process of execution, and style.